The Arnolds are the epitome of a hands-on, behind-the-scenes people, who don’t shy away from getting their hands dirty They do not seek the spotlight or recognition, instead they are the silent force tirelessly working behind the scenes.
Stephanie and Jeremiah met their freshman year at UCLA and started dating. After graduation and on a visit back to the UCLA campus, Jeremiah proposed to Stephanie at the top of Janss steps. They were married on July 7, 2007, and being diehard bruins they are, Joe Bruin made an appearance at their reception.
After getting married, they kept busy with their respective careers. Jeremiah worked at a successful startup that focused on security, and Stephanie worked as an Executive in User Experience Design and also built her own startup. Although in successful careers, their perspectives and lives change when they became pregnant. Their shared priority shifted to family. With that came the search for a place to raise their growing family. They moved to La Cañada in 2009, when Stephanie was 8 months pregnant with their first son, Robbie. In 2011, Ben was born and their family was complete.
The prioritization of family had not wavered, and Jeremiah and Stephanie made a conscious decision to achieve balance of career and family in order to be involved with their children’s lives. Jeremiah underwent a huge career change transitioning full time to Real Estate Investing. This transition allowed for Jeremiah to fulfill his desire to be a present and involved father to his two young sons.
Stephanie also made a career change, looking for jobs that allowed her to work from home making it possible for her to be present for her family.
With these changes, Jeremiah and Stephanie threw themselves into parenthood, as well as volunteer and service work in our community. Volunteerism started at the bots elementary school, LCE, inside the classroom as teacher assistants and outside at events like the jog-a-ton and chaperoning overnight excursions.
Stephanie was a two time chair of the LCE Halloween Haunt, the biggest fundraiser for LCE while Jeremiah was a committee chairman or 5 years.
They both attended PTA meetings and Stephanie was PTA President twice. For three years, Jeremiah was president of the Lions Dads Club which involved recruiting parents for the heavy lifting tasks. Jeremiah was on the LCUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan Committee and School Site Council while Stephanie led the website redesign for PTA, moved PTA communications to a newer platform for weekly newsletters. In addition, she handled graphic design for the schools posters, banners, ads, in class signage. In 2023, she was the PTA Founders Day Recipient and was also selected to serve on the panel to help select the new LCE Principal.
Jeremiah has been involved with youth basketball at the Y and LC Spartans Community Basketball as a coach while Stephanie led the move to use a mobile app for all team communications.
Currently, Robbie, 14, is in the 8th grade at LCHS. Ben, 12, is in the 6th grade at LCE.
The couple have been active board members and committee chairpersons of the noon Kiwanis Club as well as participating in weekly meetings. Stephanie plans for the weekly programs and speakers and set up the new communication platform, Constant Contact, while Jeremiah has been both Recording Secretary as well as chairperson of the Technology Committee and chairman of the Moulton School Endowment Fund Committee for the last three years.
Jeremiah was appointed by the City Council to be on the Financing Advisory Committee (FIAC) which provides advice on matters related to the management of the city’s investment portfolio. Additionally, the committee provides advice related to the city’s cash management procedures and practices. He has been on the Board of the Chamber and for two years as VP of Business Programs overseeing ribbon cuttings, social mixers and more. He also manages several aspect o the Memorial Day Parade.

Chuck Osburn is the Associate Pastor of Congregational Care at the La Cañada Presbyterian Church. He oversees Lay Counseling and Deacon Ministries. In addition, he leads small groups, performs countless weddings, officiates at funerals as well as doing hospital and home visits.
Raised in Pittsburgh, Chuck was introduced to Jesus through Young Life Ministries while in high school. The impact becoming a Christian had on him resulted in Chuck attending Fuller Seminary after graduating from the University of Cincinnati. While at Fuller, he earned a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry in Marriage and Family Therapy. He came to LCPC as an intern in 1979, was ordained there in 1980 and never left!
For over 45 years, Chuck has been a part of of the La Canada community as well as an amazing church leader in our city. Not only does he work in La Canada, this is where he and his wife, Barbara, chose to live and raise their daughter, Kendra. The Osburn family grew with Kendra’s marriage to Colin and the subsequent birth of grandson, Daniel Charles.
Until his grandson was born, Chuck and Barbara could be found at Los Gringos on Friday nights, along with many of his parishioners, enjoying dinner and a Margarita. To see Chuck now, one must go across the street as Friday night is now reserved for Daniel and his parents!
Chuck will retire officially August 31, 2024. His near 5 decades of FOCUS at the Presbyterian Church has yielded amazing results throughout the community and church.

Mike Devine is a person dedicated to the development of youth within the La Cañada community. This is best exemplified by the fact that since 2005, Mike has been the Co-Scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop 507 sponsored by Saint Bede the Venerable Catholic Church.
Along with his fellow Co-Scoutmaster, John Moe, Mike has guided hundreds of youth within the troop as they develop from boys into men. The instruction the Scouts receive in ethical and community values will serve them for the rest of their lives.
During this nearly 19 years of experience, Mike has guided over 130 Boy Scouts to the rank of Eagle Scout, all the time ensuring each Scout meets the rigorous standards of both the Boy Scouts of America and Troop 507. Virtually every Scout who has attained the rank of Eagle Scout has done a “brick and mortar” project for a myriad of organizations, both within and outside the city of La Cañada. He has personally worked on and given direction to more than 100 Eagle Scout projects. For over 40 years, he has supervised the annual fundraiser of Garden Products sale and delivery to residents in La Cañada.
As Scoutmaster, Mike has led four groups of 40 Scouts to three Boy Scouts of America National Jamborees. In 2015, he led 40 Scouts to the World Jamboree in Japan, attended by 34,000 Scouts from around the globe.
Mike teaches by example and truly cares about each Scout. He is tough when he has to be. His determination to have boys achieve the rank of Eagle is unwavering. Whenever Mike is asked to provide a group of scouts for the flag presentation, he never declines. As a thank you to St. Bede, and as a community service opportunity, members of his troop commit time and effort to assisting with set up for their Annual Parish Birthday Party, a huge event attended by large numbers of parishioners.
Apart from Scouts, Mike has a Master’s degree in police administration and Doctor’s degree in criminal justice and social science. Mike worked with the FBI bureau in LA, was a Special Agent of the Year with the NCIS and served as a technical consultant on the hit TV show, CIS. In 2014, he retired after a 30-year career as Intelligence Officer in San Diego’s Naval Reserve. In addition, he was honored as the San Diego Child Abuse Investigator of the Year for his work protecting the welfare of children.
He currently is a Director of Special Investigations Unit for LA Care Providers, responsible for the investigation of healthcare fraud, recovery of monies and criminal prosecution.
In both his work and Boy Scouts, Mike has demonstrated talent for achieving results through motivation and teamwork and building strong relationships which allow for continued growth and opportunity. He has mentored, guided, shepherded, educated, lead and assisted hundreds of boys with the La Cañada community. He is an inspiration to us all.

When the Coordinating Council first read the many nomination forms for Jada Yang, they wondered when she found time to study. She possesses outstanding personal attributes and actively participates in leadership and service-related activities benefiting her school, her community and beyond.
Jada is a senior at LCHS, who has been actively advocating for inclusivity for people with disabilities. She is a competitive debater and is passionate about representing the needs and opinions of others. The drive to advocate, combined with her own mobility challenges has sparked the creation of her non-profit organization, “Mission for Mobility”. As CEO, her sole purpose is giving all youth with mobility disabilities a voice and a support system. This is accomplished by driving education and awareness in our communities while offering a network of passionate peers to provide the support and confidence needed to tackle the many challenges and obstacles youth with mobility issues face. Through social media accounts and their website, she has spread global awareness of the disabled experience online to 30 countries. She even produces a podcast for her Mission.
Jada has participated in many speaking engagements as a Mobile Disabilities advocate including The Global Health Leadership Conference at John Hopkins University. She has been featured in student fairs a and recently has written and published a book, Shining a Light on Mental Health and Disability Inclusion.
In addition, Jada also serves this year in a prestigious position as Student Representative on the LCUSD Board. This is not an elective role but requires numerous interviews. Jada has brought enthusiasm to her monthly reports and is always eager to learn about the issues the school board faces.
She serves also as LCUSD Student Facilities Advisor of the Local Control and Accountability Plan Committee and Chairperson of Assisteens of Flintridge, a volunteer auxiliary of Assistance League of Flintridge. She was elected as Student Advocate for the LA County Board of Education and also Youth Council Member for FEMA. Jada also has received placements at the National Speech & Debate Association Tournament.
Lastly, she is the LCHS College and Career Center Aide, who assists students in the new College and Career Center with Internship and research opportunities, summer programs, part-time jobs, scholarship opportunities and much more.
Jada will undoubtedly continue to excel, do amazing things, and advocate for herself and others with mobility challenges.

The Kiwanis Club of La Cañada-AM, established over 30 years ago, merged with the Kiwanis Club of La Crescenta in 2016, and is now called the Kiwanis Club of La Cañada La Crescenta-AM. The “new” club is now financially able to help more community programs in both of the foothill communities. The motto for all Kiwanians is “Serving the World One Child at a Time”.
The club’s signature project, “daily food run”, involves members picking up day-old bread, pastry, deli and produce at Ralphs in both communities and delivering the items to organizations who serve those in need in the surrounding area. This has been happening for 30 years, even on Christmas Day. It is estimated over $150,000 of food is delivered annually to the needy and over 1,000 volunteer hours have been accrued.
On the average, the club donates about $25,000 annually to about 30 organizations in the area including, LCF Community Center, LCF Tournament of Roses, Foothills Community Scholarship Foundation, CV High School Prom Plus, Rosemont Special Ed, Once Upon a Room, Firehouse Youth Center, Sister Cities, CV Sheriff’s Support Group, Friends of the Library, Lanterman Museum to name a few.
The Club still has about $5,000 in reserve from two Veteran projects that support veterans at Veterans Village in Glendale with food and loans.
In addition, the club donates books to the elementary school libraries. It supports scouting programs: 2 Cub Scout Packs, 1 Boy Scout Troop and the Girl Scouts. It gives a yearly “campership” donation to the YMCA of the Foothills.
The club actively supports student leadership program by sponsoring two middle school “Builders Clubs” at St. Bede and Rosemont as well as five high school Key Clubs involving about 200 students. The club gives annual scholarships to local students at the high schools where they sponsor a Key Club, as well as Hillside. Scholarships are available for seniors who plan to attend a 4-year college, a community college or a vocational program.
For years, members have volunteered as bell ringers for the Pasadena Salvation Army through the Christmas season at La Cañada Ralphs. Many years they won the top award for bringing in the most money. On the Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend, the club hosts a fabulous French Toast Breakfast, serving hundreds at Memorial Park. Volunteers also decorate a truck for the parade and invite Key Club students to ride in it.